Welcome! Back to School 2016-17
by Karen Totten, RSSAA Library Program Director
As the school year begins with great excitement for the opening of the new Middle School wing at the Lower School of the Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor, we anticipate with great delight the many new possibilities that wait to be explored in our classes and within our school community.
We have a new geography to navigate as some classroom designations have changed. The Early Childhood Education program has moved into the former Middle School area and commons, providing for the addition of a new Nuthatch Kindergarten class and also a new outdoor Kindergarten program with the Wrens class. A Resource room, in the former 3rd grade room, and a Multi-purpose classroom (the former music and 5th grade classroom near Mr. Allen's office) are now in place. Some Room swapping has been done with Grades 3-5. And the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be in the newly built addition.
While learning new spaces and places, we also have new faces to welcome. New students and faculty, new staff members, parents, and friends...might you find here in these halls delight, wonder, friendship, and community.
At the Lower School Library we are welcoming new book arrivals and the start of circulation hours this Fall. The Ellie Klopp Library will open to teachers as school begins, with student book borrowing starting on the week of September 19th. We have over 150 new books to offer, including:
The Parent Library will open for circulation in the Early Childhood wing of the Lower School. Parents can self-checkout books on Waldorf Education, child development, parenting, festivals and seasonal celebrations, along with magazines like Lilipoh.

"And now we welcome the new year,
full of things that have never been."
~Rainer Maria Rilke (Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist, 1875-1926)
As the school year begins with great excitement for the opening of the new Middle School wing at the Lower School of the Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor, we anticipate with great delight the many new possibilities that wait to be explored in our classes and within our school community.
While learning new spaces and places, we also have new faces to welcome. New students and faculty, new staff members, parents, and friends...might you find here in these halls delight, wonder, friendship, and community.
At the Lower School Library we are welcoming new book arrivals and the start of circulation hours this Fall. The Ellie Klopp Library will open to teachers as school begins, with student book borrowing starting on the week of September 19th. We have over 150 new books to offer, including:
- Many new beautiful picture books, with stories by Elsa Beskow and Sibylle von Olfers, gorgeously illustrated books by Dianna Hutts Aston on seeds, rocks, butterflies, and the egg.
- A great new Kate DiCamillo novel, Raymie Nightingale.
- Books on Robotics.
- Books on the Environment.
...A feast of new subjects and stories to read and enjoy!
In October we will be celebrating Library Month at the Ellie Klopp Library, and we will have some interesting activities for borrowers to celebrate as they get to know more about the library at the Lower School.
In October we will be celebrating Library Month at the Ellie Klopp Library, and we will have some interesting activities for borrowers to celebrate as they get to know more about the library at the Lower School.

At the High School, remember to investigate the Book Nook in the Commons corner. Books are waiting for readers here! Borrow one for a while and bring it back for another, or even bring books you'd like to share (just leave them at the office with a note for the librarian). The HS Campus is also home to the Meagan Margerum-Leys Library at the Stone House, various Classroom Collections, and College & Test Prep Resources available for borrowing from the HS Coordinator's office.
And please take some time to look around on the RSSAA Library Blog: Read On! here at rssaa-library.blogspot.com, and check back for updates. On this blog we share articles from various Waldorf websites and blogs, offer some of our perspectives on the art of reading and how our Library fosters that activity, and feature articles written by RSSAA Librarians and Teachers about events around school.
We will also keep you updated on the progress of the RSSAA Online Catalog project (this work is halfway complete as we continue to work on inputting book collections into the online system with a goal to make the catalog fully representative by the end of this new school year). We also encourage you to try out our new search catalog (powered by TinyCat) which provides a user-friendly search experience of our library database: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/rssaa.
We look forward to seeing you this year! And we continue to work to provide quality books for students, faculty, staff, and parents to enjoy.
Blessings for a wonderful school year! From your RSSAA Librarians:
Karen Totten with Tim Schramm & Andrea Basso (Lower School)
Eileen Ho (High School) and Community Volunteers
Eileen Ho (High School) and Community Volunteers
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