RSSAA Online Catalog on TinyCat
We invite you to visit our user-friendly search version of our catalog (powered by TinyCat from which can be found at
RSSAA is a member of ( All newly acquired library books as well as current collections are in the process of being added to the RSSAA Online Catalog which can be publicly accessed (no signup necessary) on the LibraryThing website at
Link to specific collections and useful browsing tips below:
All collections
>This link includes all the books that have been added to the RSSAA Online Catalog so far, including all the following collections at both campuses:
Your library
>Includes all the books at the Lower School Library; shelved according to Call Numbers denoting which collection the book belongs to and first three letters of the author's last name [for example: R/Arn, PB/Bot, F/Chi, or 398.2/Zuc].
LS/READERS [R] >fiction and nonfiction for our youngest readers
LS/PAPERBACKS [PB] >mostly fiction and some nonfiction paperback books
LS/FICTION [F] >fiction hardcover books
LS/GENERAL [#] >mostly nonfiction subjects, plus folklore and literature, with Call Number based on Dewey Decimal Classification
LS*World Languages >List of books at the Lower School which are published in German, Spanish, or other World Languages.
HS/Stone House Library
>A wondrous collection of books available for high school students and faculty, shelved at the Stone House.
HS/Languages [German/Spanish]
>Collection of books, magazines, and other German & Spanish Language program materials, shelved in various classrooms throughout the High School.
HS/Coordinator's Shelf
>Collection of resources shared by the HS Coordinator on topics particularly pertaining to college planning, including: ACT/SAT/PSAT and other standardized test preparation, colleges and college majors, college financial aid and scholarships, college admissions process and essay writing.
HS/Book Nook
EC/Parent Library [yellow dot]
>Collection of parenting and educational resource books, shelved in the Early Childhood wing of the Lower School; marked with a yellow dot and available for self-checkout.
*Waldorf Selections [blue dot]
>List of select books from all our collections, tagged with a blue dot denoting titles typically used in the context of Waldorf Education.
LS Books for Grades 6+ [red dot]
•A RED DOT on the spine of a book indicates that the content and/or reading level is most appropriate for middle school or older readers.
Red Dot labeling of books in the Lower School Paperback and Fiction collections is an ongoing project of the Ellie Klopp Library.
{Books in Process} and {Books to Fix}
>List of books off the shelf such as newly acquired items being processed for circulation or previously cataloged items needing adjustment, repair, or replacement.
{Book Requests}
>List of books or sample titles requested by students, faculty or others, to be reviewed by the Librarians.
>List of approved books which we wish to acquire for our various library collections.
Browsing Tip#1 on Viewing Style: Above the book listings, you will see "RSSAA has a suggested style for viewing this library" on (use it) to do so!
RSSAA is a member of ( All newly acquired library books as well as current collections are in the process of being added to the RSSAA Online Catalog which can be publicly accessed (no signup necessary) on the LibraryThing website at
Link to specific collections and useful browsing tips below:
>This link includes all the books that have been added to the RSSAA Online Catalog so far, including all the following collections at both campuses:
![Ellie Klopp Library entrance at RSSAA Lower School [EHo]](
>Includes all the books at the Lower School Library; shelved according to Call Numbers denoting which collection the book belongs to and first three letters of the author's last name [for example: R/Arn, PB/Bot, F/Chi, or 398.2/Zuc].
LS/READERS [R] >fiction and nonfiction for our youngest readers
LS/PAPERBACKS [PB] >mostly fiction and some nonfiction paperback books
LS/FICTION [F] >fiction hardcover books
LS/GENERAL [#] >mostly nonfiction subjects, plus folklore and literature, with Call Number based on Dewey Decimal Classification
LS*World Languages >List of books at the Lower School which are published in German, Spanish, or other World Languages.
![Stone House Library shelf at RSHS [EHo]](
>A wondrous collection of books available for high school students and faculty, shelved at the Stone House.
HS/Languages [German/Spanish]
>Collection of books, magazines, and other German & Spanish Language program materials, shelved in various classrooms throughout the High School.
HS/Coordinator's Shelf
>Collection of resources shared by the HS Coordinator on topics particularly pertaining to college planning, including: ACT/SAT/PSAT and other standardized test preparation, colleges and college majors, college financial aid and scholarships, college admissions process and essay writing.
HS/Book Nook
>Collection of literature and popular fiction books for students to browse and find casual reading, arranged by Author on two shelves in the RSHS Commons with a self-checkout binder.
Special Selections for the RSSAA Community
>Collection of parenting and educational resource books, shelved in the Early Childhood wing of the Lower School; marked with a yellow dot and available for self-checkout.

>List of select books from all our collections, tagged with a blue dot denoting titles typically used in the context of Waldorf Education.
LS Books for Grades 6+ [red dot]

Red Dot labeling of books in the Lower School Paperback and Fiction collections is an ongoing project of the Ellie Klopp Library.
Books Not in Circulation

>List of books off the shelf such as newly acquired items being processed for circulation or previously cataloged items needing adjustment, repair, or replacement.
{Book Requests}
>List of books or sample titles requested by students, faculty or others, to be reviewed by the Librarians.
>List of approved books which we wish to acquire for our various library collections.
How to use
When browsing the RSSAA catalog on, select OPTIONS at the top of each catalog page in order to VIEW (Collection, List/Covers) and SEARCH (Tags, Authors, etc. or keyword searching) as needed.Browsing Tip#1 on Viewing Style: Above the book listings, you will see "RSSAA has a suggested style for viewing this library" on (use it) to do so!
Browsing Tip#2 on Book Collections: Choose the book collection you would like to view in the online catalog from the dropdown menu (on the upper left of the page). The RSSAA Collections on are described above.
Browsing Tip#3 on Searching error "No books in this collection.": If you see "No books in this collection." when you view the online catalog after performing a search or clicking on a search link, then either there are actually no results for your search OR you can try these possible corrections...
Browsing Tip#3 on Searching error "No books in this collection.": If you see "No books in this collection." when you view the online catalog after performing a search or clicking on a search link, then either there are actually no results for your search OR you can try these possible corrections...
- Re-Click the "Search" button on the upper right (noting that the search field is correctly filled and "All fields" are selected for searching). This often populates the results.
- Make sure you are searching in the appropriate collection from the dropdown menu in the upper left (try choosing "All collections" to search all the books).
Browsing Tip#4 on Finding a Book: Clicking on the title/image of any particular book in a LT catalog will bring you to a main page with detailed information about the book...including which RSSAA library collection it is in and also where else you can "Get this book"...Follow the link to a price comparison of online sources as well as a contact list of local bookstores and libraries which might have this particular title!
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