Happy New Reads!

A book fairy journeyed to the Ellie Klopp Library over the holidays.
Happy New Year to our readers, from your RSSAA Librarians, and our new fairy friend! Notable author birthdays this month include:  
  • January 3rd, J. R. R. Tolkien (The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy)
  • January 18th, A. A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)
  • January 27th, Lewis Caroll (Alice in Wonderland)
This January we feature some newly acquired reading books at the Ellie Klopp Memorial Library, including James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories and additional books in the Chet Gecko mystery series...you will love The Malted Falcon and The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse. 

Please visit the Library to check out some of the many new books which have been added to the Lower School collections this school year!

Also on display this month are books about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King, in honor of their life work and MLK Day celebrations.

Featured books for MLK Day celebrated on January 18, 2016.
