Library Volunteers: Sharing Opportunity

We are happy to be opening our Lower School Library for circulation next week! Steiner students in Grades 1 through 8 will visit the Ellie Klopp Library regularly with their classmates to check out books for reading or research reports. Teachers also encourage interested students to volunteer time at our library as they learn ways to support their school community. Likewise, Steiner parents and family are most welcome to browse and borrow books, or ask a librarian questions. Come visit the Ellie Klopp Library:
  • Location:  Lower School west wing, just past the gym
  • Open Hours:  Mon & Wed 12:30-3pm, Tue & Thu 1-4pm (or as posted)
Newly painted shelves at the E. K. Library
We would like to give our THANKS to all volunteers who worked so hard during the summer! They did a great job helping the librarians with a myriad of summer projects ...including boxing books and reshelving books so that bookshelves could be repainted, cleaning up all the shelves with much needed dusting, working with the card catalog, processing almost 100 new books for circulation, and helping with the Parent Library. Thank you so much for all your work, our wonderful Library Volunteer Team of Summer 2015:
  • Steiner Student volunteers: Ruby Bernard, Elle Chapin-O'Leary
  • Steiner Alumni volunteers: Noah Burns, Irene & Maria Hagen
  • Steiner Family volunteers: Michael Burns, Carolyn Hejkal, Maribel Rosas, Tim Schramm, Susan Whitelaw
    Who are the current RSSAA Librarians and Volunteers? 
    ~Happy Reading! from your RSSAA Librarians

    Do you love books and enjoy spending your time at the library? Would you like an opportunity to get involved with learning resources at your child's school? Please consider joining our team this year to become an RSSAA Library Volunteer at the Lower School!
    • Volunteer when convenient for you during open hours or arranged after-school hours...Your time is appreciated, even if only for 15-30 minute sessions.
    • Help with tasks such as shelving or organizing books, working with the library catalog, or other volunteer jobs we have identified...No experience necessary! We will match you with your interest and train you as needed.
    • Please contact a librarian with any questions you have or to let us know you are interested in volunteering...Visit Librarians Karen/Andrea at the LS during Open Hours or email us at <>
